The Department of Philosophy and Ethics (DPE) is structural unit of the University of Latvia. The DPE is currently the only place in Latvia where it is possible to study philosophy at all study levels, starting with bachelor’s studies and ending with obtaining PhD degree. The DPE is not only a study place, but also a place of research. Various research projects are regularly implemented in the department.  Lecturers and researchers of DPE in cooperation with Latvian, European and world research institutions and universities participate in projects requiring analysis of fundamental philosophical assumptions, critique and interpretation of concepts and theoretical systems, hermeneutics of language and cultural forms and opening up new research perspectives. The DPE offers studies based on Europe’s long philosophical heritage, which combines classics with modern thought solutions to current problems, and interdisciplinary and internationally oriented research, inviting to participate master’s and PhD programmes’ students.

The DPE works on the translation of basic texts of philosophy into Latvia, European and world-wide publications for philosophy and scientific issues, organization of conferences and other events focused on the topic of philosophy. The DPE also examines social political issues, paying attention to the cultural context, type of argumentation and structures of these issues, thus promoting a reasonable and non-simplistic understanding of the complex dynamics of modern society.

The Department’s research is focuses of the following directions: History of Philosophy, 20th-century Philosophy, Practical Philosophy,Theoretical and Scientific Philosophy.

FĒN darbojas ciešā sadarbībā ar the Institute of Philosophy and Socieology of the University of Latvia and organizations represented by department’s graduates of different generations – Philosophy Support Doundation of Latvia, Martin Heidegger Society in Latvia.