
Faculty of Humanities participates in the 83rd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia with 20 sessions

Life Writing Researchers Meet at the University of Latvia

Call for Papers. International conference "Own Idols or Foreign Gods: Syncretism in Beliefs and Religious Cults"

Call for Papers. International Online Conference “Historical Clothing and Textiles in Northern and Eastern Europe”

Call for Papers. Doctoral student's section "Stories of Things, Places and Individuals: How Microhistories Shape Historical Narratives"

International conference "Scholarly Readings of Young Historians X"

Upcoming Seminar in ‘Conspiracy Genealogy’ Series Explores Manichaean Myths in Modern Conspiracy Theories and New Age Spirituality

Call for Papers. Commemorating the 152nd anniversary of the academician Jānis Endzelīns

Riga Hosts a Successful Colloquium Balticum