6.maijā plkst. 10:30 401. telpā paredzēta lekcija "Regional and Ethnic Humour in Bulgaria".   8.maijā plkst. 18:15 204. telpā paredzēta lekcija "Humour and Gender".

Lekcijas notiks angļu valodā.

Lekciju anotācijas:
Regional and Ethnic Humor in Bulgaria
The city of Gabrovo and the area around Sofia, Bulgaria’s capital, are famous for their regional humor. Gabrovians laugh at their thriftiness, while the villagers around Sofia are being laughed at for their hardheadedness, conservatism and laziness. Armenians and Gypsies are the only ethnic groups that are the target of jokes. The Self, by presumption, is always presented positively, whereas to the Other might be attributed everything negative that the Self possesses or disapproves of. Humor and Gender
Gender differences in the production and appreciation of verbal humor are pointed out that are based on women’s and men’s position in society. The lecture focuses on the most frequent topics in English and Bulgarian jokes targeting gender relations such as: gender inequality, gender roles and dissatisfaction with the other sex, power asymmetry between men and women, marriage as an institution, sexuality and infidelity. Laipni aicināti visi interesenti.
