The Faculty of Humanities, as the faculty of languages, pays special attention to the cooperation with foreign institutions, funds and embassies of the countries, which languages are taught at the Faculty. The cooperation includes various support programmes, help with teaching materials, language courses, specialists, participation in events, as well as student scholarships, internships, etc. The Faculty of Humanities participates in various international projects, together with foreign colleagues and partners organizing international conferences, publishing the collections of articles (see the section Research). Moreover, the successful cooperation with HEI of other countries is a solid basis for the inclusion of our students into the versatile European and world labour market.

The Faculty of Humanities closely cooperates with the embassies of Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, the USA, Canada, Greece, Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, Spain, Columbia, Mexico, the United Arab Emirates, Korea, China, etc.

The Faculty of Humanities cooperates with various institutions in Europe and worldwide, as well as with foreign institutes and funds in Latvia, in the implementation of programmes, attraction of academic staff and in other spheres.

  • For instance, the professional MA programme “Conference Interpreting” closely cooperates with the European Parliament (the memorandum of cooperation between the European Parliament and the University of Latvia) and the European Commission. It includes the pedagogical help for students, videoconferences, student visit to various institutions, subsidiary programme, lectures of the academic staff of the University of Latvia in various translation services, etc.
  • Implementation of Asian studies in close cooperation (support studies) with the Academy of Korean Studies, Korea Fund, Japan Fund, Confucius Institute, etc.
  • German Studies are supported by Goethe Institute in Riga, the Baltic-German University Liaison Office (cooperation in science, organization of events, general support of German language and culture studies, etc), German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (cooperation in staff exchange), etc.
  • Romance Studies are supported by the French Institute in Latvia (the cooperation in science, organization of events, general support of French language and culture studies), etc.
  • In cooperation with the Instituto Cervantes and AECID (the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation), the academic work of guest lectures is secured in the frames of the Spanish module of the BA programme. Moreover, the cooperation is successfully used to organize events, popularize Spanish language and culture studies, as well as in translation and edition of literary texts, in staff exchange. The international Spanish language examination DELE is annually organized in cooperation with the Instituto Cervantes.
  • Acquisition of the Greek language and culture in cooperation with the European Society of Modern Greek Studies (ΕΕΣΝ), Thessaloniki Institute of Balkan Studies (Greek language/culture summer school scholarships), with the Greek Culture and Sport Ministry (support in various projects), etc.
  • Finno-Ugric Studies cooperate with the National Education Agency of Finland (EDUFI) in delegation of Finnish language and culture guest lecturers for independent work in BA in Finno-Ugric Studies. The cooperation is also used for the support of guest lecturers, trainees that are included into the pedagogical process, for the financial support for students who learn Finnish and want to participate in summer schools in Finnish HEI. The cooperation with the Estonian fund “Archimedes” helps to invite guest lectures of the Estonian language and culture for the independent work in the frames of BA in Finno-Ugric Studies. Moreover, this cooperation includes the attraction of guest lecturers for particular courses, as well as the financial support for students who learn Estonian and would like to participate in winter and summer courses in Estonian HEI.
  • The acquisition of the Swedish language and culture in cooperation with the Swedish Institute (general support for Swedish language and culture studies); the cooperation with the society “Latvia Sweden” (mutual support in events devoted to Swedish traditional holidays in Riga and Latvia), etc.
  • The acquisition of the Slavic languages and cultures in cooperation with the Russian Literature Institute (Saint-Petersburg), Gorky Institute of World Literature (Moscow), etc.
  • The cooperation with various funds, for instance, the USA fund Wenner Gren in implementation of Baltic Anthropology Graduate School, and many other partners.

Erasmus+ apvieno vienā programmā vairākas pašreizējās Eiropas Savienības (ES) atbalsta programmas (tajā skaitā Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig, Erasmus, Jean Monnet, Mācību braucienu apakšprogrammas, Erasmus Mundus, Tempus u. c.) un aizstāj tās ar vienu programmu.

Erasmus+ programmā piedalās 33 valstis: ES 28 dalībvalstis, Eiropas Ekonomiskās zonas dalībvalstis –  Islande, Norvēģija, Lihtenšteina –  un ES kandidātvalstis – Turcija un Maķedonijas Republika.

Latvijas Universitātes Humanitāro zinātņu fakultātē pieejama gan personāla, gan docētāju mobilitāte. 

Fakultātē ik gadu tiek pagarināti esošie un slēgti jauni ERASMUS+ sadarbības līgumi ar ārvalstu augstskolām. 

Studentiem tiek piedāvāta iespēja semestri mācīties kādā no izvēlētajām partneraugstskolām (sk. sadaļu Studijas ārzemēs), bet akadēmiskajam personālam – lasīt lekcijas kādā no partneraugstskolām.  Aktīvākie kontakti ar ar Lietuvu, Igauniju, Poliju, Čehiju, Spāniju, Franciju, Vāciju, Norvēģiju, Zviedriju, Somiju. Tāpat LU tiek īstenoti divpusējas sadarbības līgumi, piemēram, ar Ķīnu, Japānu, Koreju un citām valstīm.