The research circle ”Heterologies of the Everyday” will have its first winter symposium at the Univeristy of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, on March 22-23, 2013. The theme of the symposium is ”Heterologies of the Everyday: The Aesthetics of Everyday Life”. Application deadline: December 1, 2012.

This study circle aims to address what is most relevant and unavoidably present for every human  being: the everyday existence. We analyse the experience of the everyday in its developments from the post WWII period to the present era. This is an interdisciplinary project that works at the intersection of cultural studies, philosophy, literary criticism, art criticism, film studies, urban studies, antropology, and human geography. The first winter symposium of the study circle focuses on problems of everyday aesthetics. Aesthetics as a philosophical discipline has expanded its scope greatly during the last three decades. Its methodology was originally intended mainly for the analysis of art. But more recently, the methodology of aesthetics has developed beyond the borders of art into a tool that can be used to analyze a broad array of phenomena, including sport, popular culture and the environment itself. These phenomena play an important part in our lives and have a significant aesthetic aspect. Aestheticians refer to this realm of aesthetically significant phenomena as ‘the everyday’. The everyday has lately become a central key to understanding the contribution that aesthetic experience makes to our lives and our well-being.

The study circle organizes its first winter symposium at the University of Helsinki, from March 22nd to March 23rd, 2013. We invite proposals for presentations addressing different problems in the aesthetics of the everyday, e.g. natural and built environments, popular culture, entertainment, advertising, human appearances and human relations, etc.
Please send an abstract (300-500 words) to the co-ordinator of the winter symposium Arto Haapala by December 1st 2012 ( If you wish to participate without giving a paper, please write a short (150-300 words) description of yourself and your interests by December 1st 2012, and send it to Arto Haapala. The participation fee is €60, for students and unemployed €40. The Nordic Summer University contributes towards the travel and accommodation costs of participants from the Nordic and Baltic countries, but the exact amount of the financial support depends on the amount of participants.
Epp Annus
coordinator of the Heterologies of the Everyday circle,
Nordic Summer University network  
