Several valuable years have passed, since I first entered the University of Latvia, the Faculty of Modern Languages, at that time. During this time, the Faculty has changed; it has been reformed into the Faculty of Humanities. Many of us have continued their Bachelor Studies and are now graduates of the Master Study Programmes.

During the Bachelor Studies, we acquired research, presentation and team-working skills. Throughout the Master Program, we improved our communicative, academic and professional competences, as well as, achieved upgraded language competence. However, most of all, I will remember the people, that I have met. Those, who work in the computer lab, in the library, in the refectory, in the cloakroom, in the office, and above all, those who have shared their profound knowledge with us and taught us, and those who have supported and encouraged us during the study process – course mates, family and friends. It is not the title ‘a student’ that defines my personality; it is rather the people, whom I have met on the road. They have developed and influenced me as an individual. Many of the graduate students already work in the field of education. Some of us have chosen a more untraditional way of teaching, such as teaching drama, or teaching English to the soldiers, or teaching a different language. With the knowledge that we have gained, we are able to work in various fields. And it is vital to appreciate that regardless of the possessed profession, we also have an impact on the people who are around us. Our attitudes, words and deeds are powerful and meaningful. Therefore, ‘whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men’ (Colossians 3: 23). I would like to take this opportunity and on behalf of the grateful graduate students to thank all the lecturers, professors and the dedicated staff for your professional personal commitment to the learning process and the academic excellence, for your caring attitude and solid work that has given us practical and continuing value. Your endeavours are greatly appreciated.
