Baltic International Academy Translation and Interpretation Programme invite you to participate in Translation Competition 2011.

The literary work proposed to challenge you is a story "Janus" by Ann Beattie, an American short story writer and novelist (translation from English).

Übersetzern aus dem Deutschen werden zwei Texte angeboten, und zwar:
1. "Kaffeekannenphilosophie" von Wilhelm Genazino.
2. "Geschirrspüller” von Daniel Glattauer (Übersetzung aus dem Deutschen).
German  Prizes will be awarded for the best translations in four categories:
  • Translation from English into Latvian
  • Translation from English into Russian
  • Translation from German into Latvian
  • Translation from German into Russian
CLOSING DATE FOR RECEIPT OF ENTRIES: 1 December 2011 Our e-mail address: The following requirements to be met:
1.  Your translation entry must be double-spaced and page-numbered.
2.  Font – 12 Times New Roman Baltic. Margins: left – 30 mm, right, top, bottom – 25 mm.
3.  In the right upper corner write your first name, surname, school/university, programme (faculty)/grade, age, phone, and e-mail address.
4.  Save the document as your name, surname and direction you translate to, e.g. ilze.abolina.german_latvian Winning entries will be published in full in the journal Communicator. Extracts from winning entries are eligible for publication on the BIA web-album The winners will be announced in January 2012.
The best translators in each category will be rewarded by prizes. Translation is like a woman. If it is beautiful, it is not faithful. If it is faithful, it is most certainly not beautiful.
(Yevgeny Yevtushenko)

We wish inspiration to all participants!  The BIA translation contest organisation team
