5.-6. oktobrī Humanitāro zinātņu fakultātē notiks Leipcigas Universitātes profesora Dr. Volfganga Loršera (prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lörscher) lekcijas.

05.10.2011.    18.15 – 20.00    (401. aud.) Lekcijas nosaukums: Psiholingvistika – vēsturiskie un sistēmiskie jautājumi (lekcija notiks angļu valodā) Psycholinguistics – Historical and Systematic Issues

In this lecture an overview of some of the current issues in psycholinguistics is presented.  After the introductory remarks concerning the beginning of psycho-linguistics, aspects of the historical development of the discipline are outlined. These considerations are followed by a short discussion of central aspects and topics of and methods in investigating the three main branches of psycholinguistics: language comprehension, language production and language acquisition and learning.
06.10.2011     18.15 – 20.00    (401. aud.)
Lekcijas nosaukums: Divas pieejas diskursa analīzei (lekcija notiks angļu valodā) Two Approaches to the Analysis of Discourse The analysis of talks, discourses and conversations can be carried out with very different objectives and methods. British Discourse Analysis, an offspring of systemic linguistics, and American Conversational Analysis, initiated by ethnomethodology, are two such approaches which aim at an adequate analysis of talks. In my lecture the two approaches shall be described and compared with each other. The comparison reveals that both disciplines approach their object of investigation in fundamentally different ways. Both disciplines belong to different academic traditions, whose problems thus become obvious. The weaknesses in the two approaches can be overcome by combining their inherent strengths. As a result of these considerations an integrated model for the analysis of conversations shall be outlined in the concluding part of my lecture.
