Latvijas Universitātes HZF Korejas studiju centrs ar prieku paziņo, ka 16.novembrī Ļubļanā tika parakstīts sadarbības līgums ar Ļubļanas Universitātes Āzijas studiju nodaļas Korejas studiju centru. Sadarbība sevī iekļauj pasniedzēju, pētnieku un studentu apmaiņas programmu, sadarbību pētnieciskajā darbībā un un tās rezultātu prezentēšanu, akadēmisko materiālu un publikāciju apmaiņu, kā arī paredzama vēl citu jaunu sadarbības projektu veidošana.

The Center for Korean Studies are happy to announce that on November 16th in Ljubljana a cooperation agreement was signed between the Centre for Korean Studies (Department of Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts) of the University of Ljubljana and Centre for Korean Studies (Faculty of Humanities) of the University of Latvia. The agreement includes exchange of faculty members, researchers and students, cooperation in research and the presentation of its results, exchange of academic information and publications, as well as other activities mutually agreed upon between the two parties.
