In compliance with the Cultural Agreement between the Italian Republic and the Republic of Latvia, the Italian Government will offer 18 months scholarships for academic year 2012–2013.

Scholarships can be applied during the academic year 2012-2013, starting from 1st January 2013. The study grants awarded are for 3, 6, 9 months. Applicants may request study grants for: Italian language courses, individual university courses, degree courses, courses in advanced musical and artistic training, Italian language and culture courses for teachers of Italian, post graduate university courses (doctorate in research, masters, specialisations, excluding medical disciplines), research. All the information about Italian Government scholarships are available at the following website: Applicants have to submit 1) online application form  2) informative documentation  1. Online application forms and rules for registering and filling in are available at the following website: On-line forms must be submitted within 11th  June 2012. 2. The following information (relevant information) have to be sent by email ( •  Curriculum Vitae;
•  Certificate of knowledge of Italian language (for courses taught in Italian language) – in case of questions on this point please contact the Lectorate of Italian Language;
•  1 Letter of introduction from academic authorities;
•  Certified copies of diplomas including the diploma supplement or a certified list of grades, if the candidate is currently engaged in studies;
•  Letter of acceptance (where required) from the host institution. Relevant information have to be submitted within 18th June 2012. A Joint Committee will select the applications at the end of June. For further information, please contact : • Embassy of Italy to Latvia:  (, telephone n. 67216069, 67211507; • Lectorate of Italian Language – Faculty of Humanities, the University of Latvia: Visvalza street 4a, Room 402  (  
