Modern Language and Business Studies BSP 2nd year students Dana Žviriņa and Ilze Švarcbaha share their impressions about their first experience participating in an international conference:

During the first lecture of Canadian cultural studies we were offered an opportunity to participate in the 12th International Baltic Canadian Studies Conference organized by the members of the Department of English studies and Latvian Association for Canadian Studies and scheduled October 5-6, 2012. Though a challenge, an offer seemed a great opportunity, and we submitted our proposal “Themes and characters in Latvian and Canadian short animation from 2010 to present”. We analysed the selection of 20 state funded Latvian and Canadian short animations within the time period from 2010 to present to compare themes and characters in Latvian and Canadian (French-Canadian and English-Canadian) animations, and it was exciting to see the results of our analysis which let us conclude about ideological, national and value-scheme differences in national animations of two countries. As anything new and unknown, the first impression of the conference was both thrilling and frightening, moreover, we were the only students presenting in among the scholars from Canada, Russia, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. However, as we became acquainted with the situation, we really enjoyed the academic atmosphere. We were honoured to speak in front of many academicians who have an impressive record of research in the field of Canadian studies. 

It was the first time we participated in an international conference but we would definitely advise other students to take an opportunity when it offers itself and get involved in such events because it is a great experience and it makes you realize that professors are not the ones that students should be afraid of but should learn from and cooperate with. The moment we enjoyed most was the appreciation of our research and positive feedback during the discussion section when academicians expressed their opinion and asked questions. The President of Latvian Association for Canadian Studies Dr. Edgars Ošiņš said that Canadianists are one big family and we really felt it.
