Annika Gromesa (Annika Gromes) no Vācijas un Tomass Pointekers (Thomas Pointecker) no Austrijas ir starptautiskās apmaiņas programmas Erasmus studenti, kas vienu semestri studējuši mūsu fakultātes Angļu filoloģijas bakalaura studiju programmā, apgūstot vairākus šīs programmas studiju kursus.

Annika Gromesa  ir Freiburgas Pedagoģiskās augstskolas, bet Tomass Pointekers  – Lincas Pedagoģiskās augstskolas students. Jaunieši nākotni saista ar angļu valodas pedagoga darbu, tādēļ LU viņi izvēlējās studiju kursus gan Humanitāro zinātņu fakultātē, gan arī Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultātē.

Erasmus ir apmaiņas programma, kas dod jauniešiem iespēju ne tikai semestri studēt kādā no Eiropas partneraugstskolām, bet ļauj dažādu valstu studentiem ilgāku vai īsāku laiku dzīvot  citā valstī, iepazīt tās cilvēkus un kultūru. Latvijas Universitāte  ārzemju studentiem piedāvā apgūt arī latviešu valodu, lai studiju laikā varētu labāk integrēties studiju vidē un sadzīvē. Annika uz jautājuma, kādēļ apmaiņas programmā izvēlējusies Latviju, pastāsta, ka Vācijā apmaiņas studenti no Latvijas ieteikuši mūsu valsti, un viņa dod priekšroku iepazīt un studēt mazās valstīs. Pirms došanās mājup, Annika un Tomass, lūgti dalīties iespaidos par pavadīto laiku Latvijā, stāsta gan par studijām un studiju draugiem, gan pavadīto brīvo laiku un redzēto Latvijā.

Annika Gromes (Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg):  

I am pretty sure that I have learned a lot during my stay, not only at the university, but also while spending my free time with Latvians and students from all over Europe. While staying in Latvia I learned Latvian, and I improved my English Language Skills. I learned to cook Turkish, Italian, Polish, Portuguese dishes. I learned to live in the country that I didn`t know at all before, and I learned a lot about its history and culture. The Latvian students at the Faculty of Humanities were always friendly and cooperative; however, some of them were rather reserved. What I really liked was my Spoken Communication course with Gunta Kaurāte as well as my Latvian courses with Veneta Žīgure and Arvils Šalme. During my free time, I enjoyed visiting Riga's museums, cinemas, the central market, the opera, and rather many night clubs. As Riga is well- located in the middle of Europe, we also used our free time to travel through the whole Baltic Sea Region.

Having lived, studied and enjoyed my time in Riga, it is now considerably hard to leave it. I can only recommend spending one semester abroad and I can`t wait to come back to Riga again soon… Thomas Pointecker  (Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich, Linz):

I really can recommend going to Erasmus and also going to Riga. Riga is a very interesting city with a nice old town. There are lots of things to do and you will never get bored, especially the nightlife is great.

There are lots of other Erasmus students living here and it was easy to find friends. I also got to know a few local people, although, to my mind, Latvians are sometimes reserved or just shy. Also students from my course could have be a bit more friendly or more open. However, the local guys who have had their own experience abroad were very friendly and each Erasmus student had the so-called "buddy". These guys are really nice and help you in any questions you have.

All in all, I had a good stay here and have had lots of experience.
