A new course, taught all in English, is offered in the Spring 2024 in the UFR Langues et Communication thanks to the Université de Bourgogne’s partnership with FORTHEM Alliance (https://www.forthem-alliance.eu/en/): “Visual and digital cultures”. You will find below, and on the website of the FORTHEM Alliance,  some further information and the necessary instructions to register.

 -       This course is open to FORTHEM students. The duration of the class is 12 hours for the semester and is worth 2 ECTS creditsThe course is taught online (on the Teams platform): it will start on Monday January 15th 2024, and will meet every Monday night, 5pm-6pm (CET).

-       This course is composed of 2 short classes taught by two different professors: for each short class, there will be an evaluation in “contrôle continu” (during the semester). You will find attached the syllabi and general schedule.

-       This class will welcome 10 international students (all levels accepted), and registration will be on a “first come first served” basis. In order to register (and should you have further questions), please send an email to Prof. Candice Lemaire candice.lemaire@u-bourgogne.fr by December 5th 2023.


A twelve-hour online course taught in English by two professors every Monday in Spring 2024.

Course 1: American parody: the example of Saturday Night Live” by Professor Candice Lemaire

  1. Objectives: this course is an American culture class using the famous Saturday Night Live (SNL) show as a basis for a broader perspective on American TV/cinema, on humor/parody, and on sequence analysis.
  2. Contents of the course: introduction to Saturday Night Live and to the methodology of sequence/sketch analysis (class 1), case study in class on several SNL skits (classes 2-3), and oral presentations in groups on some pre-listed SNL videos (classes 4-6).
  3. Short bibliography/webography, useful references:
  • David Bordwell, Film Art: An introduction. New York: McGraw-Hill, (revised edition) 2010
  • David Bordwell, Film History: An Introduction. New York: McGraw-Hill, (revised edition) 2010
  • Ben Calvert, Television Studies: the Key Concepts. New York: Routledge, 2002
  • On Saturday Night Live more particularly:

NBC website

SNL Youtube channel

SNL Facebook page

4. Evaluation (during the semester): oral presentations and oral presentations in groups during class (on an SNL sketch). Participation during class is also required.

Course 2: “Dario Fo and Franca Rame, the jesters of post-war Italy” by Professor Francesco Arru

  1. Objectives: the course is an Italian culture class, using the work of Dario Fo (1926-2016) and Franca Rame (1929-2013), famous Italian authors, actors and “performers” (Dario Fo won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1997). The course will show how the satirical work of Fo and Rame, constantly based on historic material, may help us to better understand Italian society of the second half of the 20th century, but it also suggests a wider image of post-war western  societies.
  2. Contents of the course: introduction on the life and works of Dario Fo and Franca Rame; analysis of one of their most famous works, “Mistero Buffo”; presentations in groups of some selected sequences of “Mistero Buffo”. Knowledge of Italian is a plus, but it is not required.
  3. Short bibliography/webography, useful references:
  • J. Farrell, Dario Fo and Franca Rame – Theatre, Politics, Life, Methuen Publishing Ltd, 2020

4. Evaluation (during the semester): oral presentations in groups during class.

Number of hours

Six hours per course. Twelve in total.


Continuous assessment

Number of ECTS credits

  •  2 credits
  • A FORTHEM Open Badge


  • Class 1 (6 hours), Professor Candice Lemaire: weeks 1-6 (from Monday January 15th, 2024 until Monday February 19th, from 5pm to 6pm CET). There will be no class on Monday February 26th.
  • Class 2 (6 hours), Professor Francesco Arru: weeks 7-12 (Monday March 4th, March 11th, March 18th, March 25th from 5pm to 6pm, and Monday April 8th from 5pm to 7pm CET.) There will be no class on Monday April 1st.

Contact: Professor Candice LEMAIRE can be contacted by email
