On April 25–26, 2024, we are holding a section for doctoral students in history "Historical Research – between Hobby and Science" as part of the 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia.

The question "what is a historian?" has seriously occupied the mind of every history student in the first years of study. It seems that nowadays anyone can write and publish information about history. However, what work methods distinguish professional work from entertainment? Considering the financial aspect of doctoral studies in Latvia, the section will also focus on the issue of whether the work of PhD students in history is just an expensive hobby. And what are the risks of leaving historical research in the hands of amateurs? These and other tough questions will be addressed by future history doctors in the section "Historical Research – between Hobby and Science". The conference is organized by the Faculty of History and Philosophy, University of Latvia, cooperation partner – National History Museum of Latvia.

 We invite to submit topics for the conference section that include any of the following aspects:

  • methods used in the study;
  • innovative new discoveries;
  • problems in historiography;
  • opportunities, challenges and obstacles.

The conference organizers accept applications until March 1. The application must include the name of the author of the report, the institution represented, the title and description (up to 2000 characters with spaces). Participation will be confirmed by March 10.

Conference organizers: Iveta Berga-Muižniece, Beāte Lielmane, Liene Rokpelne, Ginta Ieva Bikše

