Ja rodas kādi jautājumi par studijām ārzemēs, droši jautājiet HZF ārējo sakaru koordinatorei Margaritai Spiridai, e-pasts: margarita.spirida@lu.lv.

Exchange studies are a great opportunity for students not only to improve the knowledge and get valuable experience at HEI abroad, but also to broaden one’s horizons for further studies in the humanities. The experience of international mobility makes it possible to get the insight into the world, other people, cultures and into yourself.

However, before applying, one should evaluate his or her readiness to participate in such venture. It is important to understand that the mobility includes the financial liabilities.

The Faculty of  Humanities offers various mobility options. Erasmus+ is one of the most well-known mobilities in Europe. The programme got its name from a famous philosopher and humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam (1465-1536). Erasmus+ mobility area includes all EU countries, as well as Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein and Turkey. The programme offers a scholarship for a semester abroad. There are two types of Erasmus+ scholarship: mobility and internship.

Each term about 25 students of the Faculty of Humanities participate in Erasmus+ mobility programme. The Faculty of Humanities is visited by approximately 80 foreign students from partner institutions. The courses of the Faculty of Humanities are chosen by approximately 150 exchange students each term.

Learn more about other scholarships (link).

If you have any questions about exchange programmes, contact the international coordinator of the Faculty of Humanities Margarita Spirida, e-mail: margarita.spirida@lu.lv.